Relaxed carnival with dog and cat

For us, carnival time means fun, sweets and celebrations - but our fur noses can cause a lot of stress. With these tips you can make the jecke time relaxed for your four -legged friend.

5 tips for safe carnival

There is a lot going on on the streets during the Jecken time - loud music, carnival trains and celebrating people can stress your animal. That is why we have summarized five things that you should pay attention to between women's donnersag and Ash Wednesday.

1. Adjust walks - leave free -time at home

Broken glass, sweets, confetti and open drinks are a great risk of injuries and poisoning on the streets. There are also large crowds, loud music and cannon shots that your animal can also scare away. To avoid these dangers, you should plan your walks and find out about when and where carnival trains take place in your city.

But even after the trains there is a danger, because the camels that have been left behind and decomposed glasses often remain on the streets. A muzzle can prevent your fur nose from picking up sweets or salty.

The following applies to cat owners: Safe is safe! Even if it is sometimes difficult, freestyle should stay at home during the jecken days to avoid the hustle and bustle.

2. Reduce stress and noise

Loud music, banging cannons, whistles and cheering people can stress pets enormously. Dogs and cats have a much more sensitive hearing than humans and can panic through loud noises. Especially if you live near the train path, you should pay attention to the signals of your fur nose. But decorations and costumes can also frighten your dog or cat.

So offer your animal a quiet retreat, shielded from the jecken. Soothing music or white noise can help to drown out the noises from outside. If in doubt, calming medication helps - best with your vet.

3. Costumes only if your animal feels comfortable

Many animals feel uncomfortable when they have T-shirts, costumes or wigs-rightly so! It can look funny, but you often don't like the animal.

Of course you know your dog or cat best and know if it is bothered by a cladding or not. You should still pay attention to these general things if you want to choose a costume for your four -legged friend:

  1. Make sure that the costume is not too tight! Close to the movement of your animal can restrict tight -fitting costumes and trigger discomfort.
  2. Choose a costume without glitter, pearls or small parts! With such materials there is a risk of swallowing.
  3. Less is more - sometimes a funny tie or a colorful collar is enough - the main thing is that your fur nose feels comfortable.
  4. Test the costume in a quiet surroundings beforehand and see if your animal really feels comfortable with it.
  5. As soon as your animal shows signs of stress, remove the costume immediately!

4. No camels and alcohol!

For dogs and cats, the temptation is large, removed from the road. But chocolate in particular is poisonous for our fur noses, because it contains theobromine, which can be fatal to our four -legged friends in the worst case. And even small amounts of alcohol can already be life -threatening for dogs and cats. Greasy, heavily spiced or salty snacks such as chips or popcorn can cause digestive problems. So make sure that your animal does not eat camels from the street and yield your yield from the train outside the range of your four -legged friend.

If your fur nose has eaten something harmful, contact your vet immediately.

5. Celebrate the carnival relaxed and animal -friendly

Of course there are also ways to celebrate the Jecke season together with your four -legged friend. We have a few funny ideas for you that can maca lot of fun both you and your animal:

  1. Carnival photo shoot

    A carnival photo shoot is a wonderful way to celebrate the carnival with your pet and at the same time capture unforgettable memories. An example of a funny carnival photo shoot with our office customers can be found on our Instagram and TikTok account .

  2. Self- mac Hte Denkli-Kamelle
    Carnival not only means colorful costumes and happy parties, but also delicious treats for your fur nose. So why not take the opportunity to treat your four -legged friend something very special? With a few simple ingredients and some creativity you can prepare your own carnival cubes- here you will find a recipe for delicious cookies!
  3. A calm carnival evening with extra cuddly units
    while celebrating wildly is also the opportunity to spend a cozy evening at home-and in full carnival mood, only in a quieter version for your four-legged friend! For example, you can also watch many festive parades on TV and enjoy the colorful car with your animal without standing in the cold outside. There are also gentle instrumental versions of many carnival songs, which are also bearable for the sensitive ears of your animal.
  4.  Indoor games for four-legged friends

    If it is too hectic outside, you can deal with games at home! Looking for treats in colorful cups, hiding places or colorful sniffing mats are just a few ideas.

The most beautiful photos from our carnival shoot

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