MAC's blog


How do you know if your dog loves you? You can see from these behavioral patterns whether your dog loves you as much as you.
It is one of the most famous dog breeds in the world and there are countless films about it and its sport - but what else can the Siberian Husky do besides pulling a sled?
Which ingredient does what and why exactly is it used in high-quality food for dogs and cats? With this guide you will know exactly what benefits our ingredients have for your furry friend.
5 last-minute gift ideas for your furry friend that you can make quickly and easily atmac. Dogs and cats also deserve presents at Christmas.
New Year's Eve and fireworks mean stress for dogs and cats: loud bangs, colorful lights and a lot of hustle and bustle. We have 5 tips for a more relaxed New Year's Eve with your furry friend.
Dogs also have a right to cookies at Christmas - with this recipe you can easily conjure upmaccookies for your four-legged friend.
More and more pets are suffering from allergies and intolerances these days. The right food can help here and save you a long ordeal. With these tips you can tell whether your four-legged friend is having an allergic reaction.
MAC's recently started offering a new product range for picky, sensitive dogs: The semi-moist food “Mono Soft” impresses with six different varieties and a high proportion of fresh meat.
Optimally refined and prepared with vitamins in mind: The new MAC's Vetcare varieties support dogs suffering from health deficiencies with ingredients specifically tailored to their individual problems.