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Product news


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MAC 's recently started offering a new product range for picky, sensitive dogs: The semi-moist food “ Mono Soft” impresses with six different varieties and a high proportion of fresh meat.
A cat literally has nine lives - and so does Beckett the cat, who gets nine new chances for a better life in the animated film "Everything for the Cat - Nine Lives Are Not Enough". MAC 's is bringing a special edition with a big competition to specialist retailers before the cinema opens.
Optimally refined and prepared with vitamins in mind: The new MAC 's Vetcare varieties support dogs suffering from health deficiencies with ingredients specifically tailored to their individual problems.
Summer brings great refreshments: the new Paw Power smoothies and drinks from MAC 's consist of fresh meat, lots of liquid and delicious vegetables.
Our new varieties with 30 percent insects offer your furry friend a wide range of essential amino acids and also have a minimal ecological footprint.
With fresh meat and a vegetable content of 30 percent, the new MAC 's vegetable varieties provide important vitamins and fiber that your four-legged friend needs for a long, healthy life.