Gift tips for dogs & cats

5 last-minute gift ideas for your furry friend that you can make quickly and easily atmac. Dogs and cats also deserve presents at Christmas.

5 gift tips for dogs and cats

You have no idea what to get your four-legged friend for Christmas? The hundredth ball, the tenth catnip pillow, another chewing bone or a new cat fishing rod are too boring for you? Then we have five gift tips that don't cost much and bring variety to your furry friend's life.

1. simple and ingenious: the cardboard!

You probably have one or two large boxes left over from ordering your Christmas presents. mac both your cat and your dog happy ! With crumpled up newspaper (or even better: wrapping paper!) and your favorite treats, a simple cardboard box can quickly become a great search game for your four-legged friend. And a cardboard box is also great for velvet paws: paired with their favorite cuddly blanket, old paper quickly becomes their new favorite sleeping place.

2. Toilet rolls as a snack hiding place

Everyone also has toilet paper rolls or kitchen paper rolls at home - the cardboard rolls are perfect for hiding snacks under the Christmas tree! Simply fill the roll with your furry friend's favorite snack This means your four-legged friend also has a present to unwrap on Christmas Eve. Alternatively, you can make a quick fiddling board for cats using several rolls and a cardboard lid. Simply cut the rolls to different lengths and attach them to the cardboard lid with scotch tape. On Christmas Eve, for example, you can distribute our Shakerys mac happy .

3. DIY Christmas cookies

Dogs also have a right to cookies at Christmas! With our DIY recipe for mac cookies, you can conjure up delicious and healthy Christmas cookies for your four-legged friend in no time.

4. Gift Ribbon Fishing Rod & Snack Leash

At Christmas you usually not only have an abundance of boxes, but also ribbon! You can quickly make a festive cat fishing rod using leftover ribbons and a stick or rod. Just make sure the band is made of jute or wool - plastic bands can cause cuts and can easily be swallowed.

You can quickly and easily make a snack leash for dogs out of gift ribbon: Simply tie your dog's favorite snacks loosely onto the ribbon and hang them up within easy reach. So your four-legged friend is first busy picking the snacks off the leash.

5. Egg carton search

It's still a long time until Easter, but egg cartons are already a perfect snack hiding place! Simply place a few of your dog or cat's favorite snacks or dry food in the recesses of the box and let your furry friend look for them. If this is too easy for your animal, you can increase the difficulty with small paper balls made from newspaper. Or you macclose the lid so that your four-legged friend has to open it first to get to the treats.

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